On Friday, November 16, 2012, the High Representative for BiH, Ambassador Valentin Inzko spoke at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on the topic of "Euro-Atlantic Integration and Ethno-nationalism – Two Dynamics at Work in Bosnia and Herzegovina."ACBH Executive Director, Ms. Ajla Delkic, had a chance to speak with Ambassador Inzko who informed the audience of the current state of affairs in BiH. In 2011, after 15 months of impasse, the political parties finally agreed on the formation of a state government and managed to adopt two key pieces of legislation required under the EU integration process. Unfortunately, the much needed progress stalled and growing concerns erupted due to the intensified secessionist rhetoric by Bosnian Serb officials. Ambassador Inzko highlighted Bosnian Serb efforts to dissolve the BiH armed forces – a concern he also expressed to the UN Security Council on November 13.
In a 27-page report to the UN Security Council, Ambassador Inzko quoted the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, who has stated that "Bosnia and Herzegovina is a rotten state that does not deserve to exist", and "Bosnia and Herzegovina is definitely falling apart and it will happen sooner or later. As far as I am concerned, I hope to God it dissolves as soon as possible." Ambassador Inzko warned that President Dodik's remarks should not be ignored and that it would be a mistake to dismiss his words as empty or election-driven rhetoric because they threaten the peace and stability of BiH.
ACBH strongly supports the Office of the High Representative and believes that the United States and the European Union have an instrumental role to play in BiH given the recent increased threats to peace and stability that have come from the RS leadership.