On May 18, 2011 the Executive Director, Ms. Ajla Delkic attended the "Diasporas and the Development of Southeast Europe" conference which was co-sponsored by the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) and the Heritage Foundation. The conference was in conjunction with Secretary Clinton's "Global Diaspora Forum" and served as a discussion among Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, and Turkish diaspora leaders and Ambassadors from the region on the best practices and experiences in their communities. The discussion focused on the themes of: Diaspora Philanthropy, Diaspora Volunteerism, Diaspora Entrepreneurship, Diaspora Capital Markets, Diaspora Tourism and Nostalgic Trade, and Diaspora Advocacy and Diplomacy all in an effort to assist in the development of the Southeast European region and its relationship with Euro-Atlantic institutions.
Ambassadors to the U.S. from Croatia, Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the event and spoke about the need for cooperation and the need for countries of Southeast Europe to work together and assist one another on the topics of investment and economic opportunity. Ms. Delkic spoke about BAACBH's work on behalf of the Bosnian- American diaspora and the organization's efforts to improve the political atmosphere in BiH and Southeast Europe as a whole.