Q: How do I get my member of Congress to join the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia?
1. To find out who your member of Congress is please click here.
2. Contact the local/district office of your member of Congress by telephone or fax and ask him/her to join the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia.
3. Follow up. You must remember to be persistent.
4. Contact the ACBH Washington office for additional questions and advice.
Q: I sent an email to my Representative/Senator to join. I have not heard anything back yet.
A: Just sending an email does not ensure it will be read. Hand written mail takes longer but has the best chance of being answered. Faxes are also effective and a follow up phone call is even better. It takes just a little work but the outcome is well worth it. We all can do our part!
Q: I see my Congressional representative has already joined. What can I do to help?
A: Congratulations on having your Senator and Representative on the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia, now they need to hear from you! The members of the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia need to know their constituents are interested in issues related to Bosnia.
Q: Is the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia a lobby group?
A: No, this is a common misunderstanding. The Caucus is an informal group of lawmakers who meet to discuss issues related to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian people. This is very important for Bosnians for the following reasons:
1. Members of the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia and their respective staff ensure that more attention is paid to current issues that affect Bosnians in the region and ensures better relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United States.
2. Participation by Bosnian-Americans is crucial for the Congressional Caucus to have a substantial impact. Most members of the Congressional Caucus on Bosnia joined because their constituents took the time and initiative to show their member of Congress that there is a Bosnian-American community within their congressional district. The more interest in Bosnian issues that Bosnian-Americans display in this process, the more members of Congress will take our issues and initiatives seriously.